Author: SulsarLeader

The easy part of being a drone pilot, is piloting a drone! 

The easy part of being a drone pilot, is piloting a drone!  The hard part of being a Search And Rescue drone pilot, is operating the camera and thermal sensor, to enable us to find our MISPER, day or night.  So Saturday night was a case of get the drone in the hover and then…
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15th May 2021 0

Message from a SULSAR Member

A message from a SULSAR member – Be more like Christine? I had the pleasure of walking with an amazing woman last year, it was only for a short while, a couple of miles or so but enough for me to discover what an amazing person she was. Christine had a friend who suffered poor…
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14th May 2021 0

Helping someone who is experiencing mental ill health.

As a team, we never know what emotional state the people we look for might be in. Very often they are suffering from some kind of mental ill health. The way we treat an individual might be able to help you help a loved one and prevent us ever having to be involved. Don’t panic…
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7th May 2021 0

Deep in the Forest

At the weekend SuLSAR once again went into the forest.  Twice a year we put ourselves through a massive amount of training across a weekend. We sleep little and train hard. When the emergency number rings, we never know what situation we will be presented with. We endeavour to assist the emergency services in Suffolk with…
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26th November 2018 0

Every second counts!

Recently SuLSAR had its AGM to vote in the new committee and to sum up the year that has just gone by. Part of that report summed up the amount of time we as a team have contributed to the Suffolk Community. Firstly we went through the training. To stay on the current call out…
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14th November 2018 0

I donated rather than buying Christmas Cards!

Buying your Christmas cards soon?  When you buy Charity Christmas cards, did you know that sometimes less than 3% of the sale is passed on to the chosen charity? Why not ensure that 100% of your donation reaches us. Instead of buying Christmas cards donate the money to us. We will use it to help…
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6th November 2018 0

Help needed for our new HQ

Why we are asking for your help! The SULSAR team has tripled over the last two years but so has the equipment to be stored, in the past members stored kit and equipment at their homes and where we could e.g. the search and rescue van was stored at the local Sugar beet factory! ………
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8th October 2018 0


2018 is a very important year for SULSAR, it not only marks our 20th anniversary, but is also the year in which we will move into a purpose build headquarters and a permanent new home. This new home and HQ would not be possible if it were not for the generosity of a few of…
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30th August 2018 0

Purpose, Vision and Values of Lowland Rescue

Purpose, Vision and Values of Lowland Rescue Lowland Rescue’s PURPOSE to continuously develop skills to save lives when ‘every second counts’. Lowland Rescue’s VISION to set the standard of excellence for ‘every inland search’ and rescue organistation and provide one cohesive voice. Lowland Rescue’s MISSION to support the Emergency Services through delivering the highest standardof…
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26th August 2018 0