Why do our members volunteer?
Our membership includes people from every corner of the county, from different backgrounds and industries – it is what makes our team so special.
“I started volunteering for SULSAR nine years ago. It is my way of giving back and helping the community of Suffolk.”

Search manager
“I have always loved the outdoors and I enjoy helping people. I met SULSAR at a tractor fayre & enrolled there and then. I went through training and the rest is history.”

Joint Boat team lead
“Watching the volunteers of SULSAR descend on a car-park rendezvous point is one of the most amazing things. When you see everyone arriving, familiar faces and smiles – you know you are part of something special.”

search technician
MEMBERS (2021)
Blog posts
Read the blog posts below at your leisure to see what is happening in our team, get advice about related subjects and gain a deeper understanding about what we do.

The easy part of being a drone pilot, is piloting a drone!
The easy part of being a drone pilot, is piloting a drone! The hard part of being a Search And Rescue drone pilot, is operating the camera and thermal sensor,[…]
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Message from a SULSAR Member
A message from a SULSAR member – Be more like Christine? I had the pleasure of walking with an amazing woman last year, it was only for a short while,[…]
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Helping someone who is experiencing mental ill health.
As a team, we never know what emotional state the people we look for might be in. Very often they are suffering from some kind of mental ill health. The[…]
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